Tuesday, February 01, 2005

In the News

Well, here we are again. I've been neglecting this site for a week now so it's about time to add a new post. I'm going to comment on some news items from the past week.

Michael Jackson

The Michael Jackson trial is getting underway. As usual, the media is doing their usual job of over-coverage! I think that I speak for a major segment of the American population when I say "Who Cares!" Get off it and onto something important. We all know what's going to happen. He'll get off or at worst a minor fine and possibly mandatory counseling.

Iraq Elections

I’m happy with the results of the Iraq elections as are most of the people of the United States. Having said that, I can predict what will happen, with what I feel is a fair amount of accuracy. The government will survive until the coalition wipes out the terrorists and leaves. Then some general, Imam, or whatever will lead a revolt and another dictatorship takes over. Big Surprise!

Media Bias

Has anyone else noticed that the media doesn’t call a spade a spade anymore. Iraq is a prime example of this. They aren’t terrorists but rather part of a insurrection. That’s the liberal media again and a prime example of why you and I shouldn’t pay any attention to what they say.

Media Bias, Part 2

Do you ever get that feeling of Déjà vu? Here we are barley a week after President Bush was sworn in and the media is already taking the side of the liberals. I’ve never seen so much coverage of the liberal democrats and their rants and raves about nothing. Those so-called senators from Massachusetts have only to open their mouths and they put their foot in it. Kerry has no sense of anything let alone politics. If he thinks, he’ll get another chance for a run at the Presidency he’s only fooling himself. As for that drunken murderer Kennedy, I just hope he ends up like his brothers with a bullet in the head.


I’ve heard enough and more than enough about this event. It happened and can happen anywhere. Do we need to be inundated with the coverage so something no one can control. I’m also tired of people and organizations that ask for money. Let’s face it, in that part of the world a large portion of the money is going to be skimmed off into the pockets of corrupt officials. I’m not excluding the UN from this group by the way. Is there any more corrupt and two-faced an organization in the world? I happen to agree with a columnist from my local paper. Read his comments for yourself at this link.

Nevada Appeal - Opinion

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